Home / Profile / Andrei
Term of Office and Basis of Appointment

Indonesian citizen, born in Jakarta on 14 December 1972. He has served as Commissioner of PT Pelindo Marine Service since 1 August 2024 based on the Circular Decree of the Shareholders of PT Pelindo Marine Service No. SK.03/29/7/1/PMAP/DRUT/PLJM-24 61/KEPSIR/KP/VII-2024.


Obtained a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in philosophy from Ithaca College, New York, USA, and a Master of Arts (MA) degree in Addiction Counseling from Hazelden Graduate School of Addiction Studies, Centre City, Minnesota, USA.

Career Experience

In his career, he experienced as Director of the Recovery Unit at Yayasan Nurani Bali Drug Rehabilitation Centre (2003). Then continued his career as Manager of General Affairs (GA) at Principia Management Group (2010). In 2015, he worked as a Project Lobbyist at North Star Group and succeeded in approaching and strategising efforts at the State Electricity Company (PLN) and several state-owned enterprises.